

the freedom to thrive

Go Big Small Biz Network advocates for Pennsylvania’s small businesses. Our efforts focus on promoting pro small business policies and regulations and against any newly proposed or already enacted policy that is harmful to the business climate. To maximize our effectiveness, we teamed up with best-in-class partner for lobbying, Saxton & Stump. The powerful combination of their expertise and our Go Big Small Biz Network will give you and your business boots on the ground to leverage relationships with our elected and appointed officials.

The lobbyists will represent the Pennsylvania's small business in educating and influencing Senators, Representatives, the Governor’s Administration and state agencies to not only combat policies that have an adverse effect on small businesses but support policies that promote flexibility, stability and growth.

As our first line of defense, they will be aware of the new and pending legislation and what impact it will have on small business. We will share that information along with our strategy in real time so that members can engage with their elected officials and have their voices heard. The combined communication of the Go Big Small Biz Network magnifies the voice of a single constituent 30-fold.

Success is created by leveraging the voice of thousands of people joining our network voicing their position on bad policy, which ultimately influences the regulatory and legislative state agencies.



Advocacy Projects

December 1, 2022
Small Business COVID Relief Act of 2022

A bill to provide COVID relief for restaurants, gyms, minor league sports teams, border businesses, live venue service providers, exclave businesses, and providers of transportation services. Learn More

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December 1, 2022
The Energy Sustainability Act: House Bill 637

An Act authorizing the Department of Environmental Protection intended to abate, control or limit carbon dioxide emissions by imposing a revenue-generating tax or fee on carbon dioxide emissions; and making an appropriation. Learn More: Click Here

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August 17, 2022
Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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Why Advocacy?

Every Voice Matters

There is power in creating a united network focused on issues facing small businesses. Joining the Go Big Small Biz Network leverages your voice through unified action. 
Focus on issues facing small business
Promote positive climate for small business
Influence regulations & legislation
Create a united voice for small business
Mobilize members for a common cause

How we advocate

We advocate for our members in many ways. Below you will find some of the ways that we support small businesses.


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A Movement for and by Small Businesses


Founding Member

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