
Why Join

Have a bigger voice

Our economy is dependent upon a positive climate for small business with more than 90 percent of all business in the United States considered small, which equates to nearly 44 percent of the total economy. Over the past few years, government overreach, restrictions, and forced closures have significantly impacted the ability for small business to thrive. The current effect of these actions continues with more than 26 percent of small businesses closing their doors in the past few years. Unifying and mobilizing entrepreneurs and small businesses to give them a big voice, the Go Big Small Biz Network advocates, educates and communicates on their behalf.

The advocacy efforts monitor and inform our members of all proposed legislative and regulatory policies so they can understand the direct impact them. These efforts are enhanced through a partnership with Saxton & Stump, who provides substantial support in sharing current business issues and assists in influencing the outcomes. 

Educating the network on pending issues enables continual awareness and the ability to mobilize our network and act cohesively for positive change. 

Communicating the message through media and a public relations campaign will raise awareness of the issues facing small business and encourage the general public to patronize them.

The vision for Go Big Small Biz Network is to give small business in Pennsylvania the freedom to thrive. Join the Movement today.

Local Impact

Advocate, educate and communicate to create positive business environment in Pennsylvania.

Supports Local 
buy Local

Support small business patronage with a consumer awareness promotion.

Invitation to Roundtables

Join exclusive discussions with policy makers and community leaders.

Protect your rights to do business

Access to information and resources that directly impact your business.

Membership benefits


Influence legislative and policies to promote and protect a positive small business environment.


Leverage your voice through the collective bargaining power of membership.


Gain access to legislators and our advocacy team at roundtable and townhall events.


Remain abreast of newly proposed and current legislation and policies the impact your ability to thrive.


Network with small business leaders to discuss challenges and opportunities.


Advance a shop local buy local message to encourage the public to support small business.

Have further questions?

We'd be happy to help.


Drop us a note! We can wait to hear from you.


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Founding Member

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