

General Questions

How are you different than NFIB or Chambers of Commerce?

Go Big Small Biz Network  has a specific focus on small business.

We advocate for small business policies and legislation as well use media to inform and mobilize our members. We invest in media to promote small business support in buying local.

How do I become a Legacy Founding Member?

Click the become a founding member on the About Us page.

Where are you located?

We are located in Harrisburg, the Capitol of Pennsylvania.

Are you a Policitical Action Committee (PAC)? 

No, we focus on small business issues in general. We may consider starting a PAC in the future.

How will my monthly membership dues be used?

Membership dues are used to support advocacy for creating a vibrant small business environment, educating the public on buying local, and communicating with members.

Do you advocate outside of Pennsylvania?

Our current focus is on Pennsylvania small business.

Who can see me ‘online’?

Your information will only be seen by other Go Big Small Biz Network members. 

How do you educate the public?

We advance the idea of supporting small business with a shop local, buy local campaign promoted through traditional and non-traditional media outlets like paid social media, radio, online video, outdoor billboard, paid email.

Can I cancel my membership?

We we appreciate a year-long commitment for your membership. However, your membership is paid monthly and can be canceled at any time. 

Can I call administrators?

We encourage you to reach out to either membership or

Have further questions?

We'd be happy to help.


Drop us a note! We can wait to hear from you.


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Founding Member

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