
Founding Membership

Why Become a 
Founding Member?

We exist to unify and mobilize the power of small businesses and an entrepreneur network. Giving a big voice for small business so that every business can thrive.

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Member Benefits

Three-year membership

By joining as a founding member, you will receive three-years of membership.

round tables

Invitation to exclusive round table discussions with policy makers

Recognition on 
the website

We want to let the world know of those who helped launch Go Big.

Recognition in newsletter

Recognition in the monthly newsletter to our entire membership.

small Business is bigger together

Become A Founding Member

Trusted by Great Companies:

Go Big Small Biz Phases

Founding Members

Invest in the future of Pennsylvania to protect the small business environment and give a big voice to your organization.

Membership Enrollment

Campaign to mobilize small businesses to Join the Movement and become members of the Go Big Small Biz Network.

Legislative Advocacy

Connect with political candidates and support legislation that protects your ability to do business.

4th Quarter Campaign

Expand support of small business patronage during the holiday season through a consumer awareness promotion.

Mobilize Thought Leaders

Ongoing recruitment of business and community leaders to protect and support the local economy through membership.

Giving a big voice to 
small businesses

PA businesses are
Small Businesses
1.1 MM
Small Businesses
$3.4 T
Transfer of wealth out of the hands of small business in to the elite rich from March 2020 to December 2020
Of Small Businesses could not pay their rent in June 2022
*Statistics sourced from, brownstoneinstitute, and alineable 

What Founding 
Members are saying

Michael Woodward

As a small business owner, I know the impact that small businesses have on employees, their families, customers, and the larger community. Small Businesses truly are the backbone of our towns and cities.

We need strong advocates keeping us up to date on the legislation that may impact us and fight for us so that our companies get treated fairly.

Jack Ma

Every government says they love small businesses, but what have they done for them? We should pull down all the barriers.

John Delaney

Small businesses are more nimble and innovative than large corporations, and as a result are much more likely to develop the breakthrough ideas we need for global competitiveness.

Founding Member

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